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Speed up 'stat' command in Ansible

My Ansible role to create a swapfile became painfully slow after its initial run. Turns out this was because once the swapfile is created Ansible's stat command takes a long time to calculate the checksum on a multi-gigabite file.

$ time sha1sum swapfile

ff2975f9c13300a5b64c9d102fd2b83df4a1cd0f swapfile

real 2m21.507s

Sweet lord two-and-a-half minutes ain't gonna fly. Since I simply want an existence check on a file all the "get" parameters of Ansible were superfluous, but they're all enabled by default.

The Ansible 2.2 way of speeding up a simple file existence check is:

- name: Verify swapfile status
    path: "{{ common_swapfile_location }}"
    get_checksum: no
    get_md5: no
    mime: no
  register: swap_status
  changed_when: not swap_status.stat.exists

The Ansible 2.3 way has a new check and a rename, so:

- name: Verify swapfile status
    path: "{{ common_swapfile_location }}"
    get_checksum: no
    get_md5: no
    get_mime: no
    get_attributes: no
  register: swap_status
  changed_when: not swap_status.stat.exists

For posterity this is my tasks/swapfile.yml:

- name: Verify swapfile status
    path: "{{ common_swapfile_location }}"
    get_checksum: no
    get_md5: no
    mime: no
  register: swap_status
  changed_when: not swap_status.stat.exists

- name: Create swapfile
  command: dd if=/dev/zero of={{ common_swapfile_location }} bs=1M count={{ common_swapfile_size }}
  register: swap_created
  when: swap_status.changed

- name: Set swapfile permissions
    path: "{{ common_swapfile_location }}"
    owner: root
    group: root
    mode: 0600
  when: swap_status.stat.exists or swap_created.changed

- name: Format swapfile
  command: mkswap {{ common_swapfile_location }}
  when: swap_created.changed

- name: Enable swapfile
  command: swapon {{ common_swapfile_location }}
  when: swap_created.changed

- name: Persist swapfile to fstab
    name: none
    src: "{{ common_swapfile_location }}"
    fstype: swap
    opts: defaults
    passno: 0
    dump: 0
    state: present
  when: swap_created.changed

© Justin Montgomery. Built using Pelican. Theme is subtle by Carey Metcalfe. Based on svbhack by Giulio Fidente.